Alcol: 40% alcohol by volume Bottle Capacity: 700 ml DESCRIPTION: The name evokes Italy and the flavour of aniseed: Sambuca is known everywhere for its unmistakable aroma. Intense and full-bodied when drunk straight, it becomes thirst-quenching with the addition of water and ice. Try it in long drinks.
Alcol: 42% Alc / Vol. Formato: 100 ml / 700 ml DESCRIZIONE: Liquore della tradizione di Modena ottenuto dalla distillazione di anice stellato. Ha un sapore asciutto, aromatico e persistente, nonché un forte profumo di anice. Perfetto servito freddo o on the rocks. Diventa dissetante con l'aggiunta di acqua e ghiaccio. Correttore di un buon caffè espresso, è versatile in miscelazione e ottimo per la Pasticceria.
Alcol: 42% alcohol by volume Bottle Capacity: 100 ml / 700 ml DESCRIPTION: A traditional Modena liqueur made by distilling star anise. The flavour is dry, aromatic and long-lasting, with an intense aniseed aroma. It's perfect served straight, chilled or on the rocks, and thirst-quenching when mixed with water and ice. A great addition to an espresso, versatile in mixed drinks and excellent in pastry cooking.